Thursday, June 18, 2015

JAVA Interactive Temperature mesurement system with Raspberry Pi

Hello there, this is it, last post of this series. 

This last post will be about the last two lessons 31 and 32 of the world wide famous "Sunfounder 37 modules Sensor Kit for Raspberry Pi Model B". They are basically the same system with minor modifications. For full details about wiring the sensors, can be found as always in the original kit's documentation. It is easy and simple to follow that part so I wont reinvent the wheel here. Just leave me a comment below if you have any issues about wiring. 

Simple Tem System
Starting then with the lesson 31 we can see that it is a simple temperature system with a buzzer, a RGB LED and a DS18B20 temperature sensor. Al three sensors with the Raspberry Pi act as a temperature alarm system. When the room temperature is between the boundaries provided via program arguments, the LED is green and buzzer if off. When the temperature is below the minimum level the LED turns blue and the buzzer produces a slow beep and when the temperature is above the upper limit the LED turns red and the buzzer goes nuts. See the JAVA code version at the Easy right ?

Interactive Temperature System
All right then add some more fun to the mix and in lesson 32 we find the same temperature alarm system with a joy stick. The idea here is that instead of having fixed lower and upper temperature boundaries we can adjust those levels with the joy stick. Moving the stick up and down we can adjust the upper limit and moving the stick right to left we can adjust the lower limit. The code is not too complicated and we already have all the ingredients from the previous exercises for each module. The combined JAVA cocktail for this lesson is the

For full details about how to set up your Raspberry Pi and how to run these exercises please check out my old post Raspberri Pi with Pi4j and Junit testing mockups. Or leave me a comment if you have any issue or question.

 This is a video to show how it should look like when you run the exercise 30. 

 Interactive Temperature System

That is all for now,
Many thanks for reading,
I hope you like it and it is helpful,

Posted by Marc Andreu.

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